Examination and Teeth Cleaning

The examination with us is the regular contact one should have with their dentist. Here, one will discuss any issues that may have arisen since the last consultation at the clinic, and additionally, the dentist will conduct an examination both clinically (looking in the mouth) and if deemed necessary, it will be supplemented with a radiological examination (X-rays).

Dental Examination

During the examination, the dentist will look for common dental diseases such as cavities, gum disease, and periodontitis. You will also be checked for rarer conditions, such as various diseases of the oral mucosa (cheeks, tongue, palate, etc.). Additionally, various general illnesses can manifest in the mouth. On the serious end, HIV and leukemia can be mentioned, while, for example, vitamin deficiencies can sometimes also be seen with changes in the oral cavity.

Teeth Cleaning

A visit to the dentist is typically followed by a regular teeth cleaning. This is because teeth are easier for you to keep clean after a cleaning. During a teeth cleaning at the dentist, both hard deposits called tartar and soft deposits called plaque are removed. If plaque is allowed to sit undisturbed on the teeth for too long, it calcifies and becomes tartar. Tartar has a very rough surface and thus provides an easy place for more plaque to settle. Tartar and plaque irritate the gums, causing inflammation. When the deposits are removed, the inflammation in the gums usually disappears within a few days. Once the teeth are cleaned and have become smooth, it will be easier to keep them clean afterward with a toothbrush and dental floss/toothpicks/interdental brushes. Clean teeth reduce the risk of developing cavities and periodontal disease.

How often should I go to the dentist?

It is recommended to have a regular check-up annually. If there are special considerations to take into account, an individual appointment schedule will be agreed upon depending on what the dentist assesses is necessary to keep track of what is recorded during the examination. The check-ups can occur at intervals ranging from 6 months to just a few weeks depending on the nature and severity of what is found.

We keep track of when it's time for dental cleaning and check-ups

We will help you remember your appointments with us, so you don't have to remember when it might be time for a check-up and a dental cleaning. As a patient with us, we will register you in our records and ensure that we send you a reminder when it is time for you to come back. We also always recommend our patients to schedule a new appointment for a check-up before they leave the clinic. We do this partly to ensure that we have time for you and partly because experience tells us that one can easily forget to make a new appointment. If the timing doesn’t work out as you approach, it is easy to reschedule.

We focus heavily on quality, and we treat patients when necessary. Therefore, you can be assured that we only send you reminders after appropriate time intervals, which are assessed based on your last dental check-up.

Additionally, you can be confident that we do not suggest treatments that you do not actually need. We see no benefit in over-treatment and are happy to listen to your needs, so all recommendations are made through dialogue with you as a patient.

Should you have any questions or simply wish to book an appointment for an examination and dental cleaning at Tandlægerne Classensgade, please use our online booking or contact us at 35427727. If you would like us to call you back, you can also use our contact form on the right, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.