Wisdom Teeth and Other Surgical Procedures

Oral surgery encompasses a wide range of very different treatments. The most common procedure in the oral cavity is the removal of teeth, particularly wisdom teeth. Another procedure that is performed is an apicoectomy or retrograde root canal treatment, as this treatment is also called. The treatment is due to a persistent infection around the tip of a tooth that has already undergone root canal treatment - sometimes attempted multiple times. Treatment with implants also requires a surgical procedure. If you are going through a surgical treatment, it is advisable to read our Guidelines After Surgical Procedures.

Operation to remove wisdom teeth and other teeth

If the tooth cannot be accessed immediately or cannot be removed by a simple extraction for some reason, it must be removed through a surgical procedure also called an amotio. The typical situation is wisdom teeth that are positioned in such a way that they cannot properly emerge in the mouth and may pose a risk to the tooth in front. If it is assessed that the wisdom tooth could cause caries in the tooth in front, it is typically recommended to have it removed. Likewise, the reason may be pain from the gums around the wisdom tooth, as it cannot be kept clean and therefore leads to acute gum inflammation.

This type of operation will take place under sterile conditions to avoid risking an infection in the area. The gum tissue around the tooth is pushed aside so that the tooth can be seen, after which bone may be removed around the tooth if necessary. In some cases, it will be necessary to split the tooth and remove it in smaller pieces. Once the tooth is removed, the area where it was located is cleaned of any inflammatory tissue. The gum will then be returned to its original position and sewn together. Surgical removal of a tooth can be associated with some discomfort in the form of pain and swelling afterward. Therefore, it is a good idea to take the prescribed pain medication, as this will also help with the swelling.

Simple Tooth Extraction

There can be many reasons for a tooth to be removed. Typically, the tooth will be in such poor condition that it is not deemed possible to rebuild it and is therefore considered not worth preserving. A simple tooth extraction is performed using only forceps and an elevator, without the need to divide the tooth or remove bone around it. A tooth extraction will usually not be associated with significant afterpain, so a week later you should not feel any pain from the area. However, it is important to leave the wound alone as it takes longer to heal.

Retrograde Root Canal Treatment / Root Apex Resection / Root Resection

The above are all terms for the same treatment. If there is still inflammation around a tooth that has undergone root canal treatment, it may be considered to perform a surgical treatment of the tooth, where a small part of the root tip is removed and then the tooth is sealed from below to ensure that bacteria cannot enter. The procedure is carried out like an amputation under full sterile coverage and with adequate local anesthesia, making it completely painless.

The operation is performed by pushing the gum aside and drilling a small hole in the bone to access the inflammation. The inflammation and the lower 3-4mm of the root are then removed, after which a small hole is prepared through the root, into which a plug is subsequently placed to prevent bacteria from entering the tooth again.

Root resection is not a treatment with 100% success. An alternative to having a root resection is to have the tooth removed, after which the missing tooth can be replaced with an implant.

Good guidance regarding surgery

If you are having surgery with us, you will always receive both written and verbal guidance on how to manage after the operation. If you have any doubts, you are always welcome to contact the clinic at (+45) 35 42 77 27.

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